Tuesday, March 4, 2008


They were not supposed to be there.

It was going to be a 8-8, 9-7 type of season, at best.

But there they were. A first-round bye and Walrus Holmgren coming to town; all was right with the world. Green Bay was again title town.

Hey, Seattle fans, remember this?

Third down, wrapped in the arms of Seattle defensive end Brandon Mebane, Green Bay’s hill billy Brett was all but sacked. Or so it seemed.

Filtered through the persistent snow that happened upon that historic city, upon that historic stadium, the play again reminded of why we love our quarterback, why Brett is...well, Brett.

Thirty one other quarterbacks in the NFL would have been sacked on that particular play, but Brett…well just asked Donald Lee how that play turned out. A stumbling, off balance, anything but fundamental underhand flip through the flakes, and we had it, a personification of the career that has enthralled a city for 17 years. He improvised, found a way, and gave us one last reminder of just how lucky we were to have had a front row seat to history.

Today Brett Favre retired.

There it is said. At face value, a simple statement. But for those who it resonates deepest, it is as confusing and nuanced as any. It is an exclamation point punctuating a career that defined not only a city, a state and franchise; but also an era.

In all reality, it was an inevitable conclusion. After all, Elway, Marino, Tarkington and Montana all retired. But try convincing any fan elbow deep in a Krohls West bag of fries, or enjoying a cold Miller Lite at the Stadium View of this ‘inevitability’ and you will be met with confusion. For them, this is not only an absurd comparison, but one not worth discussion.

Number 4 has defined a city for 17 years. Monday through Friday residents are a hard working, no frills lot. But come Sunday, this otherwise blue collar town became sexy. Green Bay had its Hollywood star. A release from an otherwise mundane existance, he was Brett; and he put a town that was otherwise an afterthought on the map.

It’s hard, but all good things must come to an end.

Entertainer, winner, champion, only a few of the descriptors that help shade the portrait that is Brett Favre’s legendary career. Here it is, a send off with the type of simplicity that I think the unassuming man with the southern drawl would himself very much appreciate. See yah Brett, and thank you.

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